Haute-Couture profesionnal embroidery training course.
189 hours of classes, plus a significant amount of personal work outside the workshop. Sessions to be scheduled over a maximum period of 18 months.
5250€, including embroidery materials. For additional work at home, two handles, hooks of different sizes, a pair embroidery scissors and an embroidery frame are needed. It is possible to buy them at La Fabriquery. It is possible to buy them at La Fabriquery. Please note that lessons take place in the morning.
Alternatively, 172 hours of lessons and 172 hours of personal exercises at La Fabriquery are also available for €5,650. Afternoon exercise sessions.
Techniques: pattern prick and pounce, mounting the frame, finishing touches and dismounting the frame.
Stitches with the needle: beginning and ending stitch, satin stitch, blanket stitch, short and long stitch, satin stitch on padding, running stitch, couching stitch, geometric surface stitch, coiled soutache appliqué, blade appliqué, fancy braid appliqué, crumpled leather, appliqué of embroidered petals in relief, French knot, ribbon stitch in back-and-forth, lazy daisy stitch, bullion stitch, padding cotton “à l’épargne”, herringbone stitch, stem stitch, embroidery of thread stretched “à l’épargne”.
Lunéville stitches: Beginning and ending stitches, chain stitch on the front and on the back side, bead and tube laying in continuous and discontinuous lines, cassé beading, sequin laying with empty stitch in between, eclat beading with puce (flea) technique, sequin laying in back and forth, sequin river work, stretched leather, vermicelli of beads and sequins, drawn stitch of beads on padding, laying of sequins in dimensional hump, moss, sugar, sequin in cassé, tight and trimmed beads vermicelli, squared vermicelli, riche stitch, drawn stitch with silk, laying ribbon.
Do not hesitate to contact Aurélie Bayol at aurelie@lafabriquery.fr or +33695032184 for more information. You can use Whatsapp.